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Monday, October 3, 2022

Consumption of basil can become 'poison' for you in these 5 health problems, know when you should not use basil

 Consumption of basil can become 'poison' for you in these 5 health problems, know when you should not use basil

Tulsi ke nuksan: 

Tulsi plant is commonly planted in most of the houses of North India. There are many medicinal benefits of basil, which most people are aware of. Tulsi is a storehouse of many Ayurvedic medicinal properties as its leaves work from boosting immunity to providing relief in colds and colds. All such health benefits of Tulsi have been mentioned in Ayurveda, knowing that you will start eating Tulsi as soon as you wake up in the morning. But do you know that excessive chewing of basil leaves not only harms your health, but you can also spoil your health. Yes, you read it right. If you have some problems in your body, then definitely the consumption of basil leaves can prove to be harmful for your body. Let us know in which problems Tulsi should not be consumed.

Side effects of chewing tulsi leaves

1-Infertility in men

We all know that consuming anything in the right amount is beneficial for health. Similarly, if you consume basil leaves in excess, then it can also prove to be harmful for you. Actually the anti-fertility properties present in basil leaves can be harmful for men. Excessive consumption of basil leaves works to reduce the sperm count , due to which fertility is affected. Therefore, use Tulsi wisely only.

2-Avoid pregnancy and breast feeding

Consumption of basil leaves can be very harmful for women during pregnancy and breast feeding. Although more research is needed on this subject, experts advise pregnant women and lactating women not to consume basil leaves.

3- The blood gets thinner

Some properties present in basil leaves can remove your blood clotting problem. But if your blood is already thin, then you should not consume basil leaves because its consumption can make your blood thinner. Apart from this, do not consume basil leaves even if you are taking blood thinners. Consuming this can make your blood thinner.

4- Tooth problems

Chewing basil leaves for a long time can also damage your teeth. Along with mercury and iron present in basil leaves, there are such arsenic properties that chewing for a long time can damage your teeth . Not only this, they can also increase the problem of pain in your teeth.

5-Diabetes patients should not consume

Diabetic patients are also advised not to consume basil leaves so that they do not have any serious problems later on. The properties present in basil leaves interfere with the action of the medicine used in diabetes, which can prove to be a threat to your health. Therefore, diabetic patients should not consume basil leaves.

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