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Monday, October 3, 2022

Lion Pose: How To Practice, Precautions And Benefits Of Simhasana

 Lion Pose: How To Practice, Precautions And Benefits Of Simhasana

Lion pose or Simhasana is a sitting yoga asana that incorporates the lion's breath style of Pranayama. Simhasana, translates to "lion position" and "asana" in Sanskrit, because of how the yogi resembles a lion when using the breath method in this pose. It is considered one of the best poses to practice at the beginning of yoga practice as it helps calm the mind and warm up the body. Here's everything you need to know about the lion pose and the health benefits of performing this yoga pose.

How To Practice Lion Pose?

Here's a step-by-step guide to practising lion pose properly:

Begin by getting into Virasana by sitting down on the mat with your knees in front of your body. Now, cross your right ankle over your left as you spread your knees widely. Tuck your heel into your pelvic region so that the knees join. Stay in that position if it's more comfortable to sit between your heels.

Your palms should be on your yoga mat in front of or directly between your thighs as you lean forward. For additional difficulty, place your hands in a mudra, or sacred hand position.

Make sure your spine is straight while you perform the pose to get the most benefit.

Let your stomach expand as you inhale deeply and fill your lungs with new oxygen when you breathe in.

Open your mouth and utter a loud "haaa" sound, resembling a lion's roar, as you exhale. Keep your eyes open and concentrate on your nose's tip or the area between your brows.

Repeat this breath a few times, allowing each time for deeper breathing. Practice this breath and forward-leaning action on the other side while in hero pose by crossing your ankles the other way.

Health Benefits Of Lion Pose

Here are the health benefits of lion pose you should know about:

Simhasana controls stress and tension

Practising lion pose is useful for people who stutter and have bad breath

One of the best stances to do if you want to reduce stress is called Simhasana, or the lion pose. Here are the steps to take and the advantages of doing it frequently

If you want to reduce stress is called Simhasana, or the lion pose. Here are the steps to take and the advantages of doing it frequently.

One of the best stances to do if you want to reduce stress is called Simhasana, or the lion pose. Here are the steps to take and the advantages of doing it frequently.

Experiencing stiffness in jaws or discomfort? Simhasana is one of the yoga asanas that can help you fix it.

It can also be beneficial to people with burning eyes.


If the basic version of Simhasana is too difficult for you, then here are some modifications of the asana you could try:

Knees should be spread while you sit in Vajrasana. Keep your toes touching one another.

Leaning forward, place your palms on the floor with the backs of your fingers towards your body.

You can tilt your head back to release the tension in your neck.


Simhasana is an asana that may look simple, but it can be painful for some people. Having said that, here are some precautions you should take:

Avoid doing this pose in case of an injury

Don't put your hands on the floor if you have pain in your wrists or have weak wrists

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